Monday 3 March 2014

Louis Rocket Animation

Firstly  I opened up PhotoShop. Once this was done I opened up the file called Rocket Gif. After the file was opened I had to put each different symbol into individual layers (1, 2, 3, launch, fire form rocket, and finally the rocket itself. Once all of these symbols were in their own layers it was time to animate this into a Gif. To do this I first needed the time line which needs to be put on to allow me to add frames. Adding frames allowed me to add each layer separately to create the effect of a countdown and a rocket flying away. The trick is to hide the layers you don't want to see, if you don't do this two layers will be showing at the same time and you may not want that. Once all frames were inserted I had myself a small jumpy animation. To fix the jumpiness, I used this tool called Tween. Tween creates a smooth motion between two frames. Once I added all the Tween's necessary I exported it. To do this I went, file, export, export to web, file type Gif, and exported it.

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