Wednesday 19 March 2014

Character Design

 Character Design
(Character design is the combination of physical traits and narrative.) Narrative  storyline defines personality gives (genre location and setting), there for it hast to feed into the look and design of the character.

The face is the primary channel to express emotion . (A reason for the many large headed characters) A lot can be said with posture and body language. (This allows for personality traits to be identifiable in silhouette.

Solarski - States that a character carries their physical weight can tell us about their personality - witch body part the lead with is important. E.g. A hero will lead with its chest like Superman.
If they lead with their pelvis there laid back and lazy just like Goofy. Characters like Ratatouille that lead with their head there intelligent and then characters who lead with heir knees is someone who is a slight coward like Roadrunner.
Superman leads with his chest
Goofy leads with his pelvis

Road runner leads with its knees

Ratatouille leads with his head

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