Friday 25 April 2014


Name: Jasper         

Age: 12
Average Day: Jasper spends 5 days a week at school, which starts at 9:00am and finishes at 3:15pm. He learns English, Maths, Science, and Music. At break/lunch he plays football with his friends and enjoys a nice pack lunch from his mother. He's bed time is at 9:00 and doesn't need the light to sleep.
Hobbies and interests: Jasper plays football for his village (under 13's), goes to karate every Thursday at 6:00. 
Spending Power: Jasper is given £30 a month form his parents + money on his birthday and Christmas.
Typical media consumptions: Jasper watches an hour of Disney XD after he gets home from school. He watches a lot of TV over the weekend, like Sky Movies and BBC One. He watches about 7/10 hours over the weekend of TV. He is aloud on his family Ipad for 5 hours each week.
Why will the animation appeal to them?
My animation will appeal to them because it will aired on his favourite channel and have funny, cheeky aspects top the show, for example childish jokes. The show will have a similar vibe to Adventure Time, so this aspect could attract the same target audience 

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