Wednesday 30 April 2014



the Idea is that me and Louis will use the rotoscope technique that we learned to rotoscope one of the fight scene's from Naruto.
we will thing of the style of our characters, whether we will make our own characters or we could do a mix or our and and the current one by using some of the features of the characters and using our own ideas.
the second idea is to go out with a camera and fake a fight for us to use in photoshop and rotoscope it into our animation,
only downside to this is that each fight in Naruto can be up to a couple of hours long and as short as a few minuets. the point is to select a possible moment into a short rotoscope animation


Scheduling for different animation types

Friday 25 April 2014


Name: Jasper         

Age: 12
Average Day: Jasper spends 5 days a week at school, which starts at 9:00am and finishes at 3:15pm. He learns English, Maths, Science, and Music. At break/lunch he plays football with his friends and enjoys a nice pack lunch from his mother. He's bed time is at 9:00 and doesn't need the light to sleep.
Hobbies and interests: Jasper plays football for his village (under 13's), goes to karate every Thursday at 6:00. 
Spending Power: Jasper is given £30 a month form his parents + money on his birthday and Christmas.
Typical media consumptions: Jasper watches an hour of Disney XD after he gets home from school. He watches a lot of TV over the weekend, like Sky Movies and BBC One. He watches about 7/10 hours over the weekend of TV. He is aloud on his family Ipad for 5 hours each week.
Why will the animation appeal to them?
My animation will appeal to them because it will aired on his favourite channel and have funny, cheeky aspects top the show, for example childish jokes. The show will have a similar vibe to Adventure Time, so this aspect could attract the same target audience 

Voice Acting

Oswald The Golden Lion Monkey
My protagonist voice has to be cheeky, loud, and very confident. The character he or she will be voicing is smart and cheeky so they are two crucial ingredients needed. They need to be around 20-25 years old to fit the part.

3 Vocal Performance Needed
. Loud 
. Confident
. Cheeky

Dream Choice

Benedict Cumberbatch
He is a very talented actor who has been in many great films over the years.
12 Years a Slave and many more.
He would be perfect because he played Sherlock Holmes who is very similar to my character I need voicing. Sherlock is funny, smart, cheeky and very confident.

Reasonable choice

Drake Bell
He is also very talented actor as well as his talents in voice acting. Drake Bell used to be in a kids TV series Drake and Josh. The reason why I choose Drake Bell is because he is Spiderman in the animated series Ultimate Spiderman. Drake Bell's personality is funny, cheeky, smart, and confident. He shows these aspects when he is playing Spiderman.



If you have created, designed, produced and edited an animation by yourself, for your own private purposes, then you own the copyright.
However, if a business or a professional has hired you to make an animation for them, then they own the copyright, unless stated otherwise.
While this seems simple enough to understand and follow, you would be surprised by the volume of cases out there that debate on which idea came from whom (i.e. the animator or the client) and who owns which component of the animation, etc.
A professional animation studio will clarify these factors – in a mutually-agreed and signed document- before even accepting a project, let alone working on it.

Thursday 24 April 2014

P2. BUDGET AND SCHEDULE for Oswald The Monkey Detective


                                                    This is overall for one episode


Why does the write of the article believe Rio 2 is problematic in terms of its representations?
The writer believes that the movie can be seem to be racist when it comes to the actors playing the characters. He points out that there is some racial pyramid uses within the movie for example all the white-voiced characters at the top (British underneath America) while darker brown skinned voice characters are at the bottom.

What are PEPs and why are they an issue for racial representation?
PEPs stands for Problem contexts, Entertainment contexts, and Performance contexts. He tells us how black people have to be above normal in animated films, they either have to excite the audience or act the villain to play a part.

Why does Da Costa believe we end up with stereotypes in animation?
He believes that animation companies are sell outs. They choose the financial gain over moral obligation which causes the film to be rushes and racial stereotypes aren't dealt with.

What does Turbo say about social mobility?
Turbo tells us that social mobility is only available for white people, while the other characters (blacks, Mexicans and so on) are given stereotypical jobs for example the Mexican characters in Turbo are given jobs at a Taco stand while the Vietnamese woman is played by The Hangovers Ken Jeong.   

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Key Scene Storyboard/Credits Storyboard

  • 1 Medium Shot - Opening Title Sequence
  • 2. Medium Shot - Screen Fades to black
  • 3. Extreme Close UP - Fades in to the back of his head
  • 4. Extreme Close up - Back of his head Zooming out 
  • 5. Close Up - Back of his head Zooming Out 
  • 6. Close Up - Back of his head Zooming Out 
  • 7. Mid Shot - Character starts to turn toward us
  • 8. Mid Shot - Character still turning towards us
  • 9. Long Shot - Monkey Thumbs up towards us
  • 10.Long Shot - Monkey Thumbs up towards us
  • 11.Medium Shot - Fades to black

Opening Sequence

  • 1 Close Up - Banana on his work desk
  • 2. High Angle Shot - Over view of Oswalds desk
  • 3. Long Shot - Long Shot of his desk
  • 4. Long Shot - Oswald (Monkey) going to his desk
  • 5. P.OV - Taking Banana from Desk
  • 6. Long Shot  - Taking Banana
  • 7. Close Up - Back of his head
  • 8. Close Up - Close up of Oswalds face
  • 9. Mid Shot - Banana in Monkeys Pocket
  • 10.Long Shot - Monkey leaving his office
  • 11. Long Shot - Of his home/office 
  • 12. Long Shot - Monkey outside his home/office
  • 13. Tracking Shot - Monkey Walking down path
  • 14. Extreme long Shot - Monkey walking over to cab
  • 15. Aerial Shot - getting into the cab 
  • 16. Close Up - Monkey asking driver to leave

Key Sequence

Monday 21 April 2014

Animation Process Flowchart

1. Idea, brief, treatment, Script and Production Planning.

To create an animation first of all you need a brief idea of what its going to be about to be able to develop that idea later on. You need to do a script to make sure you know and show what the characters are like and what the storyline of the animation is.
You will also need to know roughly what the budget is going to come up to to get a rough idea of how much its going to cost.

2.Concept Design

This is something which is done during the pre-production of the animation. This is done to illustrate the narrative and it gives a chance to the animators to play around with the characters and thei personalities.


The storyboard is where the director and the storyboard artist or artists sit together to decide how the want the stort to be shown. For example if something awful has just happened the director might want a close up of one of the characters to show emotion. 
The storyboard shows how the narrative flows (continuity) along with the shot type and short description of what is going on in the shot.
The smoother and more detailed it is the better and easier it will be later on into the project.

4.Production Design and Visual Development 

This is where the Production Designer and/or Art director will create the type of animation for the characters and also for the setting.

5.Recording the Dialogue 

This is where the Producer and the Director will cast the voices. Ofter the actors will like to have a read through the storyboard to get to know their character more and get to see what they look like so they have a better and more professional idea of what their voice might sound like which is really helpful.

6. Building the Models, Rigging 

This is where modellers will transfer the drawings into CG which will allow the animator to move the stuff around to get an idea of what he/she wants to do with the characters and props used in the scene.

7. Layout Animatics

In 2D and CG the layout is different as they are not the same even though the aim of this is the same, to get all the cameras set up.
You know what the layout should look like thanks to the storyboard, so like i've said before the smoother and more detailed it is the better and easier it will be later on.
On larger CG there are often two layouts, the Rough one and the Final one.

8. Animation

The Director or Animated Director will assign the animator or animators to work on the scene and animate it. Sometimes there is only one animator which means it might take longer as he/she has to do everything.
This is where you put everything together, the shots from the storyboards, the characters, the props, the voice recordings and the setting.

9. Final Background and Colouring 

In Stop Frame the background has been done before the animation and this is designed by the Art Director.
in 2D paper animation if often scanned into a computer and cleaned before its being coloured using one of the softwares for it.
Depending on the style some art work is still getting done by hand and presented by hand too.

10. Lighting and Composition

The lighting and composition is a very important step in animation as you have to decide what you want the set to look like. For example if its an animated tv series for children you would expect the setting to be really bright to stand out and get their attention.
This is where backgrounds and effects are combined together.

11. Post Production 

This is mainly where all the sound gets combined and put together such as the score (music/soundtrack) sound effects and so on to create the set more realistic and give an atmosphere. This is linked to the action happening in the scene. 

Sunday 20 April 2014


Oswald The Golden Lion Monkey
This animation will run for 20minutes and there will be 10 episodes. This is a similar comparison to South Park as they have 13 episodes and run for 23 minutes. In this series we will see the protagonist (Oswald) grow stronger after each case, and maybe even a relationship spark up. Some cases may carry on to the next episode and have reminders at the start. Oswald will have the same clothes each episode with rare changes to excite the spectator.

Series 1:
1. The Golden Monkey
Say hello to Oswald, your not so normal Monkey. Golden Orange, with a hint of cheekiness, this monkey can crack a case or two. We follow Oswald around on his biggest case yet, with drama, danger, and little help from his sidekick Banana, can he stop the culprit on his NAME making case?

2. Need Help!
Now that Oswald has risen to the occasion, more and more cases have been flooding in. With no one to help him apart from Banana, he is struggling with the pressure of solving every case. 

3. Once a Hero Always a Hero
Oswald has received word that the duke of Turken has been kidnapped and must use his brilliants to find out who, and why? 

4. Too Much Shake
After awaking from a shake-over, Oswald must carry on his normal detective day, but without his ordinary brilliance.

5. Not So Golden After All
The Queen has got in touch and wants Oswald to find out where her secret letter has gotten to. With his wit and sidekick Banana, surely nothing can stop him from finding it....right?

6. Opened Letter
Oswald has found the letter but the thief has already obtained the information he needed. Oswald will surely have to use everything he has to catch this thief and return the letter safely to the Queen

7. A Good Day To Relax
Oswald has decided to take a holiday after all those cases. He will soon find out that once he arrives, the holiday he once dreamed of, will become a case to remember.

8.  Opposite Sex
A female Golden Lion Monkey has turned up begging for Oswald's help. The only thing Oswald has on his mind is "does she like me"?

9. The First Case Reopened
Oswald is haunted by his first case as some mysterious person tells him that he got it wrong. Oswald
must find out who, and why this case has come back and if its the same suspect?

10. A Hero In The Darkest of Places
With Bananas life on the line, surely Oswald will come up with something to save his best friend  sidekick.